I love Spring, I think it is my favorite season of all. Everything just seems so happy and promising.
1. The lighter evenings
I love that I will no longer be coming home from work in the dark! It makes me feel like I can actually do things in the evening and the day is not completely over.
2. Warmer weather
I am a sucker for warmer weather, the thought alone of wearing flip flops puts a massive smile on my face. I cannot wait to bring them out and also to ditch the jackets.
3. A new lease of life
Okay this one has to be on everyone's list, all the baby animals that are born. Who doesn't think lambs and calves are very cute?!? I mean BABY ANIMALS!!
4. Easter
A period of chocolate and bank holidays. Definitely a winner for me.
5. Bright colours
As the weather is getting better its a perfect excuse to bring out brighter colours, don't get me wrong I love a good nude nail however you cannot beat bright pinks, oranges and blues!
6. Cleaning
Any excuse for a de-clutter and super clean, it makes everything so much fresher
7. Food
Fruit and veg start becoming so much nicer in Spring, they appreciate the season changing. I love juicy fruit, you cannot beat it.
8. Motivation
For some reason the thought of spring gives me so much motivation for my goals this year, its almost like a new year feeling for me... a chance to really sort out my goals for the year.
9. Fresh air
Open windows making me feel fresh yet not too cold, the fresh spring smell that comes with the change in the season is unlike no other. I really don't think you can beat it.
10. Flowers
All the flowers start to bloom and the leaves on the trees are coming. I love seeing all of the pretty floral colours spring up in gardens, its such a refreshing sight.
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